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Philip Wolfe R. The Solar Generation

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12 004a
  • Местоположение лота: Москва, Москва
  • Стоимость доставки оплачивает: Покупатель
зарегистрирован: 21.08.2024 12:45
последняя активность: 28.08.2024 14:54
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The first book to address the early development of the photovoltaic industry, and the pioneering researchers and companies in the sector Well before the end of this century, solar power will be the world's dominant power source. This book looks at the origins of this smart sustainable energy technology, tracing the pioneering years from its inception following the 1973 oil crisis to the end of the last millennium—just as the sector was poised for explosive growth. It focuses on the progress of the early terrestrial photovoltaic sector, often in the face of skepticism or apathy. It also covers the research and achievements of people and organizations within the PV business. Written by a leader in the field with more than 40 years of experience and an international reputation in the sustainable energy industry, The Solar Generation: Childhood and Adolescence of Terrestrial Photovoltaics offers enlightening coverage on the terrestrial PV industry. The first part of this 3-volume set provides a historical backdrop to the technology and tracks the development of research, markets, prices, applications, policies, and more. Part II is called the ‘encyclopedia’ and features a Who’s Who of the most influential people and profiles of key companies, events, and developments. Finally, Part III is the reference section and comes complete with glossaries, bibliography, and an incredibly comprehensive index. This text also: Addresses the early development of the PV sector from a global perspective Focuses on a defined period, leaving scope for later follow-ups as the sector matures Offers a study on the interactions between technology, policy, and market drivers The Solar Generation is an ideal book for all professionals in the power and energy field from every corner of the globe.

Автор : Philip Wolfe R.

язык : en

Издательство : John Wiley & Sons Limited

просмотры : 0